Defining the right profile for your participants is essential when conducting online surveys. In this article, we’ll explore the principles of creating a target audience profile that will help you gather reliable insights for your survey.
In the research industry, identifying the correct profile of people to answer your survey is called Survey Audience or Audience Targeting.
Before you start defining your target audience, be clear about the purpose of your survey. Understand what information you want to collect and the questions you must ask. Clearly defined survey objectives will guide you in identifying the right people to participate.
Consider the demographics that align with your survey’s objectives. Demographics include age, gender, location, education level, and occupation. Understanding the relevant demographics to your research will help you narrow down your target audience. For example, if you want to understand the customer perception of a luxury item, you should consider high-income people to answer your survey.
Consider your target audience’s interests and behaviors in addition to demographics. Are specific hobbies, preferences, or consumer behaviors relevant to your survey? Identifying these aspects will ensure your questions engage and resonate with your participants. If your survey concerns hiking equipment, consider people who hike as a hobby or professionally.
Depending on your survey’s focus, define the problem-specific characteristics of your target audience. For instance, if your survey concerns a new tech product, consider targeting tech-savvy individuals or early adopters. Creating your survey specifically for individuals most likely to encounter the problem or opportunity being researched enhances the survey’s relevance.
Leverage the features offered by DIY survey platforms to target the right audience. Make Opinion DIY platform provides more than 125 respondent characteristics; you can create your own if needed.
Defining the right profile for participants in your DIY survey is crucial for gathering relevant answers for your research. By clarifying your survey objectives, identifying relevant demographics, exploring interests and behaviors, and defining problem-specific characteristics, you can receive responses from the people relevant to your research.
Stay tuned to “Market Research for Beginners” for more insights into navigating the world of market research with trust and confidence.